Sunday, October 20, 2013

What Is Vacuumology? It Is The Study Of The Physics Of Empty Space.

Vacuumology  is the study of the physics of empty space in the cosmos, as it relates to mater and mathematics.   It is not the study of either which might be where Higgs Boson field theory is leading now that it has ascended to Nobel prize worthiness.  It is about the pervasive vacuum in the cosmos we call empty space.  Of course the vacuum is relative to how "hard" it is.  We think of space as being the place where mater and energy resides. Outer space is anything but a void and inner space between an atomic nucleus and the outer electrons seems to be an enormous void.  What empty space really is actually stranger than we would otherwise wish to visualize it.  We confuse space with distance or with room as we find it in a house or as a designated area on a map or as anything outside the earth's atmosphere but space is a funny thing because it actually seems to be created by the metrics and probabilities of nature.  Atoms seem to create their own space just as stars and planets do.  When it comes to concepts like "Space Time" we think of empty space being warped at least as a visual analogy our point of view maybe what is warped because the space we think we know in the solar system seems to be carved out or created by the Sun and the Planets and maybe does not exist at all them.  

What exactly is space then if  a gravitational field from a star makes it possible or subatomic particles maybe the only thing that accounts for its existence?  Why do gas molecules disperse in a vacuum or do they disperse the way we think they do?  What are the metrics of empty space without mater to mile post it's metric features?  Why would space be infinite in an expanding universe when a vacuum lacks the pressure material stuff has and seem always to yield to the  pressure from outside closed vacuum cell?

I am soon going to publish here the rules of empty space.  I started it but then ran into the gas diffusion problem.  The problem is we don't always see gas diffusing  in the images from modern astronomy. Diffusion of gas in a vacuum is actually stranger than expected and I have to figure out why.  Could be something like transpiration and it could be that a gas without interactions from the spectrum of electro magnetic energy leads to a soup of distant diffuse atoms and molecules of freezing cold plasma that has the properties of trillions and trillions of  super conductors?    This is just speculation because I am now doing to work to find out exactly what all the rules of empty space are.  Will this lead to a new law of physics?  Probably not.  That is because empty space and vacuum states are already built into science we already have developed.  When we measure specific gravity of objects by putting them in deep water in a bath tub Archimedes style we know what to expect in advance but when we stick the same comparative objects into empty space there is no displacement as there is with water and air in that ancient experiment.  The two objects occupy the same empty space and we have no trouble with that.  We take it for granted because we are certain that there is nothing at all special about nothing.  Then we find out that space can be subjected to pressure when we observe objects that confine it with space able to be condensed to a solid state.  We know that very dense material objects have contained within a perfect vacuum .  The more dense the more electrons can be forced out from the proximity of the center.  If we collapse a balloon by sucking all the air out of it then we see a vacuum becoming a solid.  The air removed is replace from the vacuum and empty space shrinks under the air pressure surrounding it.