Saturday, November 2, 2013

Travel Anywhere Instanteously? Colapsing and Expanding the Vacuum.

I am about to devise an experiment to see if this is possible in more than just theory.  Since there is only 1 single unit of empty space in the cosmos and since that empty space has no power to create dimensions nor to meter them it begins to explain why some of these quantum experiments showing minute particles of mater  simultaneously being in more than one position / location in space at the same time.  Actually the present day model of the atom shows that electrons can be virtually in all positions surrounding the nucleus at the same moment.  We know that mater and it's allied "forces" including electrical, magnetic and gravitational forces create the empty space we know of in the cosmos including the empty space thought be between the core and the exterior of atoms and in areas scrubbed clean of mater by gravity.  The space we know of seems to be encumbered .  Although either is out of favor we see concepts like Higgs Boson fields or particles and even a medium for gravity wave propagation proposed or believed in.

Vacuumology  is the theory of what the properties of the empty space of a vacuum really is in physical reality.  The thesis as already stated is that since there is just one unit of empty space and all aspects of it are part and parcel of  one  big space that is seemingly being stretched  and defined into existence by mater it really means that it may be possible to travel virtually anywhere or to multiple locations simultaneously.   Already there is evidence that some tiny sub atomic particles or units of energy said to act as particles doing this.  What if it were possible for much larger physical objects to do precisely the same thing?  It actually might be.  The proposed experiment  aims to disrupt the "fabric of space" controlled by mater within that space.  Einstein's frames of reference idea that the fabric of space being warped by the presence of mass and gravity has always been curious as a concept.  If that notion of relativity as he defines it is true or even just sort of true then there actually is something out in space that can be disrupted to essentially expand or contract space. 

The experiments proposed has to do with being  at the center of a powerful explosion and not have it as thrust behind your traveling space vehicle.  Certainly the point of being at the center of an explosion in order to expand or contract space means you want to be insulated from the force of the blast and that is a big problem but not for a sensor or a detector designed to do just that.  Unfortunately the power of the explosion has to be at the upper most limit . It might be possible to do the experiments in a super collider reconfigured for that purpose or it might require a full scale hydrogen fusion reaction  preferably outside of the influence of the earth's orbit and maybe even at a distance from other planets more distant from the sun.    Imagine sending out a space probe and blowing it up past the orbit of Saturn in order to instantaneously have a payload arrive here back on earth simultaneously and elsewhere too. Even just to deliver a signal ahead of the speed of light would prove it was simultaneous.  There is a good chance this is going to work.  What needs to be disrupted in space to send a probe to a distant galaxy a few billion light years away?  Something we are not exactly sure what.  When our device arrives instantly at that distant galaxy how big is it in proportion to the galaxy?  First we have added no more energy to it before sending it at the same time since space does not have any understanding of metric dimensions The device could arrive at a point in space with entirely new dimensions.  Second navigation is a big unknown.  Traveling so far away we would not be able to communicate with the probe unless we devised a way to send signals by disrupting the fabric of space and that is again some kind of explosive force?    Sounds crazy or like movie science fiction with special effects it is not. It is not .  This is not the thesis of having a black hole in your wake or a hole in space with a  black hole event horizon.

  This is a much more simple Vacuumology  observation that space has properties that are created by what is in the environment of space and that beyond that there is a hidden vacuum that gives subatomic particles a universal means of transit where everywhere is anywhere. It is one thing to think of electrons as being fast or nearly the speed of light. One electron attached to a hydrogen atoms has to cover a vast amount of territory on the surface almost simultaneously everywhere at a terrific distance from the nucleus center of that atom.   If we were to view this electron in motion with something like a frame by frame stop action camera we would see it hit almost every position  on the surface of the sphere of it's orbit at one time.  As time frames go in films when we slow them down we see all the holes in the motion otherwise we see in motion picture magic.  With the time frame pictures of the electrons we see a probability dimensioned energy field more than we see the particle electron.  Our whole concept of empty space is built on our frames of reference at our macro physical level of existence in the cosmos.  If we could disrupt the way the electron in the hydrogen atom behaves we could see it behave entirely in a different way.  It has been done of course but we have not done it at the macro level yet.  I am working on an even more simple experiment to show the potential of having objects be in two or more places at one time even with considerable distance between those locations.

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